Our ZK Infrastructure Map showcases 33 projects that have captured our attention for their novel approaches and promising contributions to the field.
This map represents the first step in our ongoing effort to chart the pioneers of ZK, but this is just version one. If you feel we've missed a deserving project, please comment below or reach out at HouseofZK@zkm.io
Featured projects: @ProjectZKM, @RiscZero, @SuccinctLabs, @a16z, @NexusLabsHQ, @Lita_xyz, @Eigen_Network, @MinaProtocol, @AleoHQ, @Aleph__Zero, @horizenglobal, @Citrea_xyz, @GOATRollup, @aztecnetwork, @taikoxyz, @Scroll_zkp, @Starknet,@0xPolygon, @nil_foundation, @zksync, @union_build, @zkLink_official, @zcash, @AlpenLabs, @BVMnetwork, @KakarotZkEvm, @MantaNetwork, @LineaBuild, @gevulot_network, @lagrangedev, @zan_team,@MarlinProtocol, @SindriLabs